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If you are willing to enter Ou WenWei’s music world, you will probably soon feel amazed —

The pleasant-listening melodies brimming with poetic charm and elegance, the magnetic and vigorous voice, and the lyrics with profound sentiments and wonderful artistic moods all originate from the same person — a person who could not even sing a complete song by himself several years ago, a person who disliked music in his childhood and, even now, still knows little about music theory.  This is the ordinary and practical-minded Ou WenWei, who, at the same time, is extraordinary and marvelous! 

It can be said that his songs are not written by a pen but arise from his heart!  For every single one of them is composed in a way that involves repeated fermentations in his mind, grinds in, and that expresses his deep sentiments “for heaven, for earth, for humanity, for everything.”  After chanting the melody by himself over and over and finally realizing that his own sound, rhythm, and tone have properly expressed the lyrics’ sentiment and artistic mood, he records his singing as a complete song, the musical score for which is then written down by someone who knows musical notation. 

At the end of 2005, a musical keyboard was brought to his home.  He asked others only for a clarification of the location of eight keys — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 — and for middle C, and then he began his persistent self-study.  Within one year he could play his songs on the musical keyboard to accompany his singing.  He could also write down the musical scores for his songs.  Although he learned to play simply with one hand to accompany his singing, the sound of the keyboard and his singing were unified as an entity.  As one of his American students said, “Mr. Ou WenWei expresses his real sentiments from his heart with his singing and the sound of the keyboard so that audiences feel intoxicated and enthralled…”

If you are also as engrossed as she is, you certainly will enter a peaceful, auspicious, healthy, and pleasant state, with your body and soul adjusted and elevated!

Please enter Ou WenWei’s music world — peaceful, auspicious, healthy, and pleasant moods are awaiting you!

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